Source code for

from petrelic.bindings import _FFI, _C
import petrelic.constants as consts

import functools
import re

def force_Bn(n):
    """A decorator that coerces the nth input to be a Big Number"""

    def decorator_force_Bn(func):
        # pylint: disable=star-args
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            new_args = args
            if n < len(args) and not isinstance(args[n], Bn):
                if isinstance(args[n], int):
                    new_args = list(args)
                    new_args[n] = Bn(new_args[n])
                    new_args = tuple(new_args)
                    # Don't know how to convert
                    return NotImplemented

            return func(*new_args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return decorator_force_Bn

def force_Bn_other(func):
    return force_Bn(1)(func)

[docs]class Bn(object): __slots__ = ["bn"]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_num(num): if isinstance(num, int): return Bn(num) elif isinstance(num, Bn): return num else: # raise TypeError("Cannot coerce %s into a BN." % num) return NotImplemented
@staticmethod def _from_radix_string(sinput, radix): neg = False if sinput[0] == "-": neg = True sinput = sinput[1:] ret = Bn() s = sinput.encode("utf8") _C.bn_read_str(, s, len(s), radix) if neg: return ret.__neg__() else: return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def from_decimal(sdec): """Creates a Big Number from a decimal string. Args: sdec (string): numeric string possibly starting with minus. See Also: str() produces a decimal string from a big number. Example: >>> hundred = Bn.from_decimal("100") >>> str(hundred) '100' """ if not re.match("-?[0-9]+$", sdec): raise Exception("String must only contain digits 0--9 and sign") return Bn._from_radix_string(sdec, 10)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hex(shex): """Creates a Big Number from a hexadecimal string. Args: shex (string): hex (0-F) string possibly starting with minus. See Also: hex() produces a hexadecimal representation of a big number. Example: >>> Bn.from_hex("FF") Bn(255) """ if not re.match("-?[0-9a-fA-F]+$", shex): raise Exception("String must only contain digits 0--9,a--f and sign") shex = shex.lower() return Bn._from_radix_string(shex, 16)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_binary(sbin): """ Restore number given its Big-endian representation. Creates a Big Number from a byte sequence representing the number in Big-endian 8 byte atoms. Only positive values can be represented as byte sequence, and the library user should store the sign bit separately. Args: sbin (string): a byte sequence. Example: >>> from binascii import unhexlify >>> byte_seq = unhexlify(b"010203") >>> Bn.from_binary(byte_seq) Bn(66051) >>> (1 * 256**2) + (2 * 256) + 3 66051 """ ret = Bn() _C.bn_read_bin(, sbin, len(sbin)) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def get_prime(bits, safe=1): """ Builds a prime Big Number of length bits. Args: bits (int) -- the number of bits. safe (int) -- 1 for a safe prime, otherwise 0. """ ret = Bn() if safe == 1: _C.bn_gen_prime_safep(, bits) else: _C.bn_gen_prime(, bits) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random(bits): """ Generates a random number of the given number of bits Args: bits (int) -- The number of bits Examples: >>> n = Bn.get_random(10) >>> n.num_bits() <= 10 True """ res = Bn() _C.bn_rand(, 0, bits) return res
def __init__(self, num=0): """Initialize a new Bn, initialized with a small integer""" ="bn_t") _C.bn_new( if abs(num) < consts.DIGIT_MAXIMUM: _C.bn_set_dig(, abs(num)) else: length = num.bit_length() // 8 + 1 sbin = abs(num).to_bytes(length, byteorder='big', signed=False) _C.bn_read_bin(, sbin, len(sbin)) if num < 0: _C.bn_neg(,
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a copy of the Bn object.""" return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self): # 'Copies the big number. Support for copy module' other = Bn() _C.bn_copy(, return other def __deepcopy__(self, memento): # 'Deepcopy is the same as copy' # pylint: disable=unused-argument return self.__copy__() # ------------ Comparisons ------------ @force_Bn_other def __inner_cmp__(self, other): sig = int(_C.bn_cmp(, return sig def __lt__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) < 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) <= 0 def __eq__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) != 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) > 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__inner_cmp__(other) >= 0
[docs] def bool(self): """Turn Bn into boolean. False if zero, True otherwise. Examples: >>> bool(Bn(0)) False >>> bool(Bn(1337)) True """ return self.__bool__()
def __bool__(self): # 'Turn into boolean' return not bool(_C.bn_is_zero(
[docs] def repr(self): return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): # TODO: return value may be too big, in which case it cannot be recovered return "Bn({})".format(self.repr_in_base(10)) def __str__(self): return self.repr_in_base(10)
[docs] def int(self): """A native python integer representation of the Big Number. Synonym for int(bn). """ return self.__int__()
def __int__(self): return int(self.repr_in_base(10)) def __index__(self): return self.__int__()
[docs] def hex(self): """The representation of the string in hexadecimal. Synonym for hex(n).""" return self.__hex__()
def __hex__(self): # """The representation of the string in hexadecimal""" return self.repr_in_base(16) # NOT_IMPLEMENTED: hex()
[docs] def binary(self): """A byte array representing the absolute value A byte array representation of the absolute value in Big-Endian format (with 8 bit atomic elements). You are responsible for extracting the sign bit separately. Example: >>> from binascii import hexlify >>> bin = Bn(66051).binary() >>> hexlify(bin) == b'010203' True >>> bin = Bn(1337).binary() >>> hexlify(bin) == b'0539' True """ if self < 0: raise Exception("Cannot represent negative numbers") length = _C.bn_size_bin( buf ="char[]", length) _C.bn_write_bin(buf, length, return _FFI.unpack(buf, length)
[docs] def repr_in_base(self, radix): """ Represent number as string in given base Args: radix (int): The number of unique digits (2 <= radix <= 62) Examples: >>> Bn(42).repr_in_base(16) '2A' >>> Bn(-1024).repr_in_base(2) '-10000000000' """ length = _C.bn_size_str(, radix) buf ="char[]", length) _C.bn_write_str(buf, length,, radix) return _FFI.string(buf).decode("utf8")
[docs] def test(self): """ >>> b = Bn() >>> b.repr_in_base(2) '0' """
[docs] def random(self): """Returns a random number 0 < rand < self TODO: currently it excludes 0, update to include 0 Example: #>>> r = Bn(100).random() #>>> 0 <= r && r < 100 True """ rnd = Bn() _C.bn_rand_mod(, return rnd
# ---------- Arithmetic --------------
[docs] def int_neg(self): """Returns the negative of this number. Synonym with -self. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> one100.int_neg() Bn(-100) >>> -one100 Bn(-100) """ return self.__neg__()
[docs] def int_add(self, other): """Returns the sum of this number with another. Synonym for self + other. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> two100 = Bn(200) >>> two100.int_add(one100) # Function syntax Bn(300) >>> two100 + one100 # Operator syntax Bn(300) """ return self.__add__(other)
def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) @force_Bn_other def __add__(self, other): r = Bn() _C.bn_add(,, return r
[docs] def int_sub(self, other): """Returns the difference between this number and another. Synonym for self - other. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> two100 = Bn(200) >>> two100.int_sub(one100) # Function syntax Bn(100) >>> two100 - one100 # Operator syntax Bn(100) """ return self.__sub__(other)
@force_Bn_other def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self @force_Bn_other def __sub__(self, other): r = Bn() _C.bn_sub(,, return r
[docs] def int_mul(self, other): """Returns the product of this number with another. Synonym for self * other. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> two100 = Bn(200) >>> one100.int_mul(two100) # Function syntax Bn(20000) >>> one100 * two100 # Operator syntax Bn(20000) """ return self.__mul__(other)
def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) @force_Bn_other def __mul__(self, other): r = Bn() _C.bn_mul(,, return r def __neg__(self): ret = Bn() _C.bn_neg(, return ret def __abs__(self): ret = Bn() _C.bn_abs(, return ret # ------------------ Mod arithmetic -------------------------
[docs] @force_Bn(1) @force_Bn(2) def mod_add(self, other, m): """ Returns the sum of self and other modulo m. Example: >>> Bn(10).mod_add(2, 11) Bn(1) >>> Bn(10).mod_add(Bn(2), Bn(11)) Bn(1) """ r = Bn() _C.bn_add(,, _C.bn_mod(,, return r
[docs] @force_Bn(1) @force_Bn(2) def mod_sub(self, other, m): """ Returns the difference of self and other modulo m. Example: >>> Bn(10).mod_sub(Bn(2), Bn(11)) Bn(8) """ r = Bn() _C.bn_sub(,, _C.bn_mod(,, return r
[docs] @force_Bn(1) @force_Bn(2) def mod_mul(self, other, m): """ Return the product of self and other modulo m. Example: >>> Bn(10).mod_mul(Bn(2), Bn(11)) Bn(9) """ r = Bn() _C.bn_mul(,, _C.bn_mod(,, return r
[docs] @force_Bn_other def mod_inverse(self, m): """ Compute the inverse mod m, such that self * res == 1 mod m. Example: >>> Bn(10).mod_inverse(m = Bn(11)) Bn(10) >>> Bn(10).mod_mul(Bn(10), m = Bn(11)) == Bn(1) True """ gcd = Bn() inv = Bn() _C.bn_gcd_ext(,, _FFI.NULL,, _C.bn_mod(,, if gcd != Bn(1): raise Exception("No inverse for ", self, "modulo ", m) return inv
[docs] def mod_pow(self, other, m, ctx=None): """ Performs the modular exponentiation of self ** other % m. This function is _not_ constant time. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> one100.mod_pow(2, 3) # Modular exponentiation Bn(1) """ return self.__pow__(other, m)
[docs] def divmod(self, other): """Returns the integer division and remainder of this number by another. Example: >>> Bn(13).divmod(Bn(9)) (Bn(1), Bn(4)) """ return self.__divmod__(other)
def __rdivmod__(self, other): return Bn(other).__divmod__(self) @force_Bn_other def __divmod__(self, other): quot = Bn() rem = Bn() _C.bn_div_rem(,,, return (quot, rem)
[docs] def int_div(self, other): """Returns the integer division of this number by another. Synonym of self / other. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> two100 = Bn(200) >>> two100.int_div(one100) # Function syntax Bn(2) >>> two100 // one100 # Operator syntax Bn(2) """ return self.__floordiv__(other)
@force_Bn_other def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return other.__floordiv__(self) @force_Bn_other def __floordiv__(self, other): quot = Bn() _C.bn_div(,, return quot
[docs] def mod(self, other): """Returns the remainder of this number modulo another. Synonym for self % other. Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> two100 = Bn(200) >>> two100.mod(one100) # Function syntax Bn(0) >>> two100 % one100 # Operator syntax Bn(0) """ return self.__mod__(other)
@force_Bn_other def __rmod__(self, other): return other.__mod__(self) @force_Bn_other def __mod__(self, other): rem = Bn() _C.bn_mod(,, return rem
[docs] def pow(self, other, modulo=None): """Returns the number raised to the power other optionally modulo a third number. Synonym with pow(self, other, modulo). Example: >>> one100 = Bn(100) >>> one100.pow(2) # Function syntax Bn(10000) >>> one100 ** 2 # Operator syntax Bn(10000) >>> one100.pow(2, 3) # Modular exponentiation Bn(1) """ return self.__pow__(other, modulo)
@force_Bn_other def __rpow__(self, other): return other.__pow__(self) @force_Bn_other def __pow__(self, n, modulo=None): if n < 0 and modulo is None: raise ArithmeticError( "Negative exponent only supported when modulus is set" ) # TODO: fix coercions later if type(modulo) == int: modulo = Bn(modulo) base = Bn() _C.bn_copy(, if _C.bn_sign( == _C.CONST_RLC_NEG: base = base.mod_inverse(modulo) _C.bn_neg(, if _C.bn_is_zero( == 1: return Bn(1) res = Bn(1) if modulo is None: while not bool(_C.bn_is_zero( if n.is_odd(): res = res * base _C.bn_sqr(, _C.bn_hlv(, return res else: # TODO: rewrite using bn_mxp while not bool(_C.bn_is_zero( if n.is_odd(): res = res.mod_mul(base, modulo) base = base.mod_mul(base, modulo) _C.bn_hlv(, return res
[docs] def is_prime(self): """Returns True if the number is prime, with negligible prob. of error. Examples: >>> Bn(37).is_prime() True >>> Bn(10).is_prime() False """ return _C.bn_is_prime( == 1
[docs] def is_odd(self): """Returns True if the number is odd. Examples: >>> Bn(2).is_odd() False >>> Bn(1337).is_odd() True """ return not bool(_C.bn_is_even(
[docs] def is_even(self): """Returns True if the number is even. Examples: >>> Bn(2).is_even() True >>> Bn(1337).is_even() False """ return bool(_C.bn_is_even(
[docs] def is_bit_set(self, n): """Returns True if the nth bit is set Examples: >>> a = Bn(17) # in binary 10001 >>> a.is_bit_set(0) True >>> a.is_bit_set(1) False >>> a.is_bit_set(4) True """ bit = _C.bn_get_bit(, n) return bool(bit)
[docs] def num_bits(self): """Returns the number of bits representing this Big Number""" return int(_C.bn_bits(
def __hash__(self): return int(self).__hash__() # Aliases abs = __abs__