Source code for petrelic.additive.pairing

This module provides a Python wrapper around RELIC's pairings using a
additive interface: operations in
:py:obj:`petrelic.additive.pairings.G2`, and 
:py:obj:`petrelic.additive.pairings.GT` are all written

Let's see how we can use this interface to implement the Boney-Lynn-Shacham
signature scheme for type III pairings. First we generate a private key:

>>> sk = G1.order().random()

which is a random integer modulo the group order. Note that for this setting,
all three groups have the same order. Next, we generate the corresponding public

>>> pk = (sk * G1.generator(), sk * G2.generator())

(For security in the type III setting, the first component is a necessary part
of the public key. It is not actually used in the scheme.) To sign a message
`m` we first hash it to the curve G1 using :py:meth:`G1.hash_to_point` and then
raise it to the power of the signing key `sk` to obtain a signature:

>>> m = b"Some message"
>>> signature = sk * G1.hash_to_point(m)

Finally, we can use the pairing operator to verify the signature:

>>> signature.pair(G2.generator()) == G1.hash_to_point(m).pair(pk[1])

Indeed, the pairing operator is bilinear. For example:

>>> a, b = 13, 29
>>> A = a * G1.generator()
>>> B = b * G2.generator()
>>> A.pair(B) == (a*b) * G1.generator().pair(G2.generator())


from petrelic.bindings import _FFI, _C
from import Bn, force_Bn_other
from petrelic.native.pairing import NoAffineCoordinateForECPoint

import petrelic.native.pairing as native
from petrelic.native.pairing import G2, G2Element

[docs]class BilinearGroupPair: """ A bilinear group pair. Contains two origin groups G1, G2 and the image group GT. """ def __init__(self): """Initialise a bilinear group pair.""" self.GT = GT() self.G1 = G1() self.G2 = G2()
[docs] def groups(self): """ Returns the three groups in the following order : G1, G2, GT. """ return self.G1, self.G2, self.GT
[docs]class G1(native.G1): """G1 group.""" @classmethod def _element_type(cls): return G1Element
[docs]class G1Element(native.G1Element): """Element of the G1 group.""" group = G1
[docs] def pair(self, other): """Pair element with another element in G2 Computes the bilinear pairing between self and another element in :py:obj:`petrelic.additive.pairing.G2`. Examples: >>> g1, g2 = G1.generator(), G2.generator() >>> a, b = 10, 50 >>> A, B = g1 * a, g2 * b >>> A.pair(B) == g1.pair(g2) * (a * b) True >>> A.pair(g2) == g1.pair(g2 * a) True >>> A.pair(g2) == g1.pair(g2) * a True """ if not type(other) == G2Element: raise TypeError("Second parameter should be of type G2Element is {}".format(type(other))) res = GTElement() _C.pc_map(,, return res
[docs]class G2(native.G2): """G2 group.""" @classmethod def _element_type(cls): return G2Element
[docs]class G2Element(native.G2Element): """Element of the G2 group.""" group = G2
[docs]class GT(native._GTBase): """GT group.""" @classmethod def _element_type(cls): return GTElement # # Replicated functions, fixing doc strings #
[docs] @classmethod def order(cls): """Return the order of the group as a Bn large integer. Example: >>> generator = GT.generator() >>> neutral = GT.neutral_element() >>> order = GT.order() >>> order * generator == neutral True """ return super().order()
[docs] @classmethod def generator(cls): """Return generator of the group. Example: >>> generator = GT.generator() >>> neutral = GT.neutral_element() >>> generator + neutral == generator True """ return super().generator()
[docs] @classmethod def neutral_element(cls): """Return the neutral element of the group G1. In this case, the point at infinity. Example: >>> generator = GT.generator() >>> neutral = GT.neutral_element() >>> generator + neutral == generator True """ return super().neutral_element()
# # Interface specific methods #
[docs] @classmethod def sum(cls, elems): """Efficient sum of a number of elements In the current implementation this function is not optimized. Example: >>> elems = [ x * GT.generator() for x in [10, 25, 13]] >>> GT.sum(elems) == (10 + 25 + 13) * GT.generator() True """ res = cls.neutral_element() for el in elems: res += el return res
[docs] @classmethod def wsum(cls, weights, elems): """Efficient weighted product of a number of elements In the current implementation this function is not optimized. Example: >>> weights = [1, 2, 3] >>> elems = [ x * GT.generator() for x in [10, 25, 13]] >>> GT.wsum(weights, elems) == (1 * 10 + 2 * 25 + 3 * 13) * GT.generator() True """ res = cls.neutral_element() for w, el in zip(weights, elems): res += w * el return res
# # Aliases #
[docs] @classmethod def infinity(cls): """The unity element Alias for :py:meth:`GT.neutral_element` """ return cls.neutral_element()
[docs]class GTElement(native._GTElementBase): """GT element.""" group = GT # # Unary operators #
[docs] def double(self): return native.GTElement.square(self)
[docs] def idouble(self): return native.GTElement.isquare(self)
# # Binary operators # def __add__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__mul__(self, other) def __iadd__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__imul__(self, other) def __sub__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__truediv__(self, other) def __isub__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__itruediv__(self, other) def __mul__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__pow__(self, other) def __imul__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__ipow__(self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return native.GTElement.__pow__(self, other) # Copy documentation from native.G1Element double.__doc__ = native.G1Element.double.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") idouble.__doc__ = native.G1Element.idouble.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __add__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__add__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __iadd__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__iadd__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __sub__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__sub__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __isub__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__isub__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __mul__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__mul__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") __imul__.__doc__ = native.G1Element.__imul__.__doc__.replace("G1", "GT") # # Aliases # __neg__ = native._GTElementBase.inverse neg = __neg__ add = __add__ iadd = __iadd__ sub = __sub__ isub = __isub__ mul = __mul__ imul = __imul__